“Nutrition Label” style CCPA privacy notices, quick & easy.

Your privacy policy isn't enough anymore. CCPA requires just-in-time notices with specific facts.

These “Notice At Collection” privacy explainers must be presented just before data is collected.

Regardless of what’s in your legal privacy policy, CCPA requires consumers to be offered this information anywhere private data will be collected.

Consumers already know and like the 'Nutrition Facts' paradigm.

That’s why Apple has required its 2 million app publishers to use this format, setting the new standard for user privacy transparency.

The familiar nutrition label format allows consumers to easily self-educate on any privacy issue by using the smartphone’s many interactive features.

Today’s consumers care about their privacy. PrivacyUX lets you give them privacy information they can really understand to build trust.

Regulators are checking for CCPA compliance simply by visiting on your website or app.

Many companies have ignored CCPA’s operational notice requirements, despite the fact that it’s the first thing regulators will check. Enforcement began on July 1, 2020 and will accelerate due to Proposition 24’s creation of a new privacy enforcement agency.

PrivacyUX Livestart signals your CCPA compliance where it counts, quickly and inexpensively.

Show your team how easy CCPA privacy transparency can be.

Take 5 minutes and we’ll give you a ready-to-use “nutrition label” CCPA notice at collection with your company’s information.

Just like Apple’s new app store notices, users love them because they are interactive, look great on mobile, tablets, and desktop computers, and even work for vision impaired and multi-lingual users.

Great notices are just the beginning of an amazing privacy user experience. When you are ready, PrivacyCheq offers a complete enterprise solution for day-to-day operational CCPA compliance.
I’m ready. Show me more.

Notice at collection is just the beginning. Get a live demo of our complete CCPA operational notice/opt in solution.

    Specific aspects of CCPA I'm concerned about (optional):

    Click here for more information about PrivacyCheq's privacy policies including CCPA's Notice at Collection.



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